Stretching the volumes towards the sea (092)
This is another classic that should not be missed. It is unquestionably impeccable. Let us simply highlight the potential of resorting to a simple curtain wall with a few crucial variations: the exceptional glass with its curvature, texture and roughness; its format and size; and the lack of collinearity between mullions and transoms, enhancing horizontality. All of these factors contribute to accompanying the gesture of both volumes towards the sea. The position of the two blocks, the volumetry and the façade definition all talk the same language.
Twenty years later, the large windows in an already translucent wall continue to inspire remarkable architecture works, such as the ICTA building by HArquitectes.
Zurríola Hiribidea, 1
20002 San Sebastian Guipúzcoa
SpainYear of construction:
Weight of the entire facade:
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Ph 1-7, Andrés Echarri